Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Adding background image in ionic

 Adding background image in ionic :-

I have set a custom class .splash_screen_bg on a page in my Ionic app in order to style it with a custom background.

The CSS for the background is

Include the following css in your style.css 

.splash_screen_bg {
  background-image: url("../img/splash_screen.png");
  background-position: center;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
Here in url you give the path of image, where you stored it.

Now where you want to apply the this image you can add the class splash_screen_bg

for example
 <ion-view view-title="Login" class="splash_screen_bg">
Then use the following command to run the application in ionic

ionic serve

Now you will find out the background image on desired page where you added it.


  1. was it like a global background? like every background of my app have it?

  2. how to keep the background image constant even if i am traversing between different screens?

  3. This is a background image for each page on your app.
