Friday, 18 March 2016

Facebook integration in ionic project


If your App needs Login or Registration functionality, then using 3rd party services such as Facebook Authentication are useful tools to utilize.

Creating a Facebook Developer App-

Every third party app that integrates Facebook login needs to create a Facebook developer app. A developer app helps Facebook track the third party app and provides additional configuration options.
To create a Facebook developer app for our Cordova app do the following:
Visit the Facebook Developer Apps Page and click Add a New App. Select Website as the platform.
Let’s start by creating a fresh Ionic Framework Android application:
ionic start FacebookApp blank
cd FacebookApp
ionic platform add android
There are two requirements to this project.  You must include the ngCordova library for $cordovaOauth and the Apache Cordova InAppBrowser plugin
Command to include InAppBrowser plugin-
cordova plugin add
With the file in place, open your www/index.html file and include the library like so:
<script src="js/ng-cordova.min.js"></script>

In your app.js fill add the following lines of code-
var facebookApp = angular.module("starter", ["ionic", "ngCordova"]);

Our Facebook project is going to be composed of the following three screens managed by the AngularJS UI-Router:
  • Login (www/templates/login.html)
  • Profile (www/templates/profile.html)
Let’s start by adding the following code to our login template:

Add the following lines of code in login.html page-
<ion-view title="Facebook Example">
        <div class="padding">
            <button ng-click="login()" class="button button-block button-balanced">Oauth Sign In</button>
                Clicking the above button will initiate an official browser sign in flow with Facebook.  You
                will be redirected to the Facebook website to enter your credentials.

The only purpose the above template serves is to launch the InAppBrowser for the Oauth login flow.  The controller code can be demonstrated with the following:

facebookApp.controller("LoginController", function($scope, $cordovaOauth, $localStorage, $location) {
    $scope.login = function() {
        $cordovaOauth.facebook("CLIENT_ID_HERE", ["email", "read_stream", "user_website", "user_location", "user_relationships"]).then(function(result) {
            $localStorage.accessToken = result.access_token;
        }, function(error) {
            alert("There was a problem signing in!  See the console for logs");

Notice that after a successful login, the access token is saved and we are redirected to our profile.  The access token will be used in every future API request for the application.
Let’s take a look at the profile template.  Add the following code to your www/templates/profile.html file:

<ion-view title="Profile" ng-init="init()">
        <div class="list card">
            <div class="item item-avatar">
                <img ng-src="{{}}">
            <a href="#" class="item item-icon-left">
                <i class="icon ion-earth"></i>
            <a href="#" class="item item-icon-left">
                <i class="icon ion-home"></i>
            <a href="#" class="item item-icon-left">
                <i class="icon ion-heart"></i>

On the profile screen we will display the signed in users name, avatar, website, location, and relationship status. And the controller code for same HTML is-

facebookApp.controller("ProfileController", function($scope, $http, $localStorage, $location) {
     $scope.init = function() {
        if($localStorage.hasOwnProperty("accessToken") === true) {
            $http.get("", { params: { access_token: $localStorage.accessToken, fields: "id,name,gender,location,website,picture,relationship_status", format: "json" }}).then(function(result) {
                $scope.profileData =;
            }, function(error) {
                alert("There was a problem getting your profile.  Check the logs for details.");
        } else {
            alert("Not signed in");

Friday, 11 March 2016

$rootScope in angularjs



Every application has a single root scope. All other scopes are descendant scopes of the root scope. Scopes provide separation between the model and the view, via a mechanism for watching the model for changes. They also provide event emission/broadcast and subscription facility. 

The $rootScope is the top-most scope. An app can have only one $rootScope which will be shared among all the components of an app. Hence it acts like a global variable. All other $scopes are children of the $rootScope.


Please run the following sets of command-

ionic start myApp blank
cd myApp
ionic platform add android

In your index.html file add following lines of code-

<div ng-controller="MyAppController" style="border:2px solid blue; padding:5px">
 Hello {{msg}}!
 <br />
 Hello {{name}}!

In your app.js file add following lines of code-

myApp.controller('MyAppController', function ($scope, $rootScope) {
 $scope.msg = 'World';
 $ = 'AngularJS';


When you use ng-model with $rootScope objects then AngularJS updates those objects under a specific $scope of a controller but not at global level $rootScope.
Create a private $scope for each controller to bind it to the view.


Friday, 4 March 2016

Drop down data binding from view to controller in Ionic


Here i am sharing a way by which, we can bind data from view to controller by using drop down.

Run following sets of command in your terminal-

ionic start myApp blank
cd myApp
ionic platform add android

Add following lines of code in your index.html file-

<div ng-controller="MyAppCtrl">
    ng-options=" for data in options">
    <pre>{{ regions | json }}</pre>

And add following lines of code in your app.js file-

var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);

myApp.controller('MyAppCtrl',function( $scope){
 $scope.options = [
        {id: 1, name: 'A'},
        {id: 2, name: 'B'},
        {id: 3, name: 'C'}
    $scope.changed = function() {
Here when you change option in your html page, you will get that value in your controller.
