Friday, 29 January 2016

Popover in ionic


Popover can be created by using ion-popover-view element. This element should be added to HTML template and $ionicPopover service needs to be injected into controller.
There is a way of adding popover. fromTemplate method allows using inline template.
In your controller add the following line of code-
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicPopover) {
   $ionicPopover.fromTemplateUrl('popover.html', {
      scope: $scope
   }).then(function(popover) {
      $scope.popover = popover;
   $scope.openPopover = function($event) {
   $scope.closePopover = function() {
   //Cleanup the popover when we're done with it!
   $scope.$on('$destroy', function() {
   // Execute action on hide popover
   $scope.$on('popover.hidden', function() {
      // Execute action
   // Execute action on remove popover
   $scope.$on('popover.removed', function() {
      // Execute action

Now we will add script with template to the HTML file we are using for calling popover function.

<script id = "popover.html" type = "text/ng-template">
         <h1 class = "title">Popover Title</h1>
         Popover Content!


Friday, 22 January 2016

Ionic slide box with backward and forward functionality


In this article we are going to discuss creating an application that makes use of slide boxes.  The theme of the application will be cars.

Run the following command in your terminal-

ionic start IonicProject blank
cd IonicProject
ionic platform add android
ionic platform add ios

Add the following lines of code in your style.css file-

.slider { height: 100%; text-align: center }
.scroll { height: 100% }

We add the above code because we want each slide in the slide box to take up the full screen.  Any text in these slides will be centered.

Add the following lines of code in your index.html file-

        <img style="width: 100%" src="">
        <img style="width: 100%" src="">
        <img style="width: 100%" src="">

You’ll notice that I’ve found three random car pictures on the internet and included them in each of the slides.  The image will take up the full width of the slide.

The above code is very basic.  It only allows for swiping.  It doesn’t auto play and it doesn’t loop.  It also doesn’t allow you to choose the current slide.  By adding the following line in index.html file, we can have better control of our slide box:

<ion-slide-box ng-controller="slideController" pager-click="navSlide(index)" auto-play="true" does-continue="true">

The above code will auto play the slides and loop them.  I’ve also added a function that allows you to choose the slide when you click on one of the pager items.  The function is found inside the slideController which can be seen below:

example.controller("slideController", function($scope, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) {
    $scope.navSlide = function(index) {
        $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.slide(index, 500);

Now if you want to add the next and previous slide functionality by clicking on next and previous arrow, then add following lines of code in your slideController-

 $scope.slidePrevious = function() {


    $scope.slideNext = function() {


And now index.html file look like-

<ion-slide-box ng-controller="slideController" pager-click="navSlide(index)">

       <b>Slide1</b> <i class="ion-chevron-right" ng-click = "slideNext()"></i>
        <img style="width: 100%" src="">
     <i class="ion-chevron-left" ng-click="slidePrevious()"></i>    <b>Slide2</b> <i class="ion-chevron-right" ng-click = "slideNext()"></i>
        <img style="width: 100%" src="">
     <i class="ion-chevron-left" ng-click="slidePrevious()"></i>    <b>Slide3</b> 
        <img style="width: 100%" src="">


Friday, 15 January 2016

Deployment of wordPress on Heroku


Here is a way by which you can deploy wordPress on Heroku, by using following sets of command-

       Run the following command on your terminal-

git clone git://

       Open the cloned directory by using following command-

 cd wordpress-heroku

         Create an account on heroku by using

        Install the Heroku CLI by using instruction on

       Run the following command in terminal-

     heroku login

      Run the following command on terminal, so that an app will created on heroku-
  heroku create


If you want, you can rename the app but it is not necessary-

heroku apps:rename NameOfApp


    Add database to your app by using following command-

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql


Replace HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_INSTANCE with the name from the above output-



Create a new branch for any configuration/setup changes needed.

git checkout -b production


 Store unique keys and salts in Heroku environment variables. WordPress can provide random values here.

heroku config:set AUTH_KEY='put your unique phrase here' \
SECURE_AUTH_KEY='put your unique phrase here' \
LOGGED_IN_KEY='put your unique phrase here' \
NONCE_KEY='put your unique phrase here' \
AUTH_SALT='put your unique phrase here' \
SECURE_AUTH_SALT='put your unique phrase here' \
LOGGED_IN_SALT='put your unique phrase here' \
NONCE_SALT='put your unique phrase here'

Push the new changes on heroku-

git push heroku production:master

Now, you can use your app.
