Like Ionic 1, Ionic 2 apps can be quickly created from the Ionic CLI or GUI tool, or built and tested right in the browser.
To install the latest alpha release, which is currently required for V2 development, run:
Like Ionic 1, Ionic 2 apps can be quickly created from the Ionic CLI or GUI tool, or built and tested right in the browser.
To install the latest alpha release, which is currently required for V2 development, run:
# if on linux/osx, run with sudo
npm install -g ionic@alpha
Then we can use the CLI from the command line by running ionic <command>
Once that’s done, create your first Ionic app:
ionic start cutePuppyPics --v2
To run our app, let’s cd
in to the directory that was created, and then run the
ionic serve
cd cutePuppyPics
ionic serve
Building to a Device
After you have Ionic installed, we can build our app to a physical device. If you
don’t have a physical device on hand, you can still build to a device emulator.
Check out the iOS simulator docs if you are on Mac, or the Genymotion docs if you
are looking to emulate an Android device. We will also need Cordova to run your appon a native device. To install Cordova, run:
sudo npm install -g cordova
Once you have Cordova installed, and a device or emulator ready to go, we can move on and begin building your app!
Building for Android-
To build for Android, we need to add the Android platform module to Cordova:
ionic platform add android
Next, we will need to install the Android SDK.The Android SDK allows us to build
compile to a target device running Android. Although the Android SDK comes with a
stock emulator, Genymotion is recommended since is is much faster. Once installed, we can run an Android image and run:
ionic run android
This application have three tabs namely- Tab1,Tab2 and Tab3.
In which Tab1 has content and you can change the content of Tab1, Tab2 and Tab3.